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Anything You Should Know About API

 What is an API?

An API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of functions and procedures that allows the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other services. APIs make it possible for programs to talk to each other.

● How does an API work?

APIs expose chunks of code and processes within an application or system so that external developers can access them programmatically from another application. Developers can build third-party plugins, front-ends or entirely new services on top of the API by accessing and assembling the pieces of pre-written code via HTTP requests.

● The types of APIs

○ Public APIs: Meant for external/third party use and available for anyone to access. For example, Google Maps API.

○ Partner APIs: Meant for approved partner/affiliate use after authorization. For example, payment gateway APIs.

○ Private/Internal APIs: Restricted for internal organizational use to connect internal systems and services.

● The benefits of APIs

1) Encourages code reusability and eliminating redundant work.

2) Allows expanding existing functionalities and building innovative solutions on top of them.

3) Speeds up integrations by exposing ready-made building blocks.

4) Follows design contract for consistency and business logic abstraction.

5) Scalable architecture by combining modular independent components.

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